Sunday, 19 February 2012

Prom Dresses

So my mom had me looking at prom dresses over the internet today. Boy is it hard to find that one dress you like. There are so many to choose from. So many different colours and designs. Just looking at them over the internet takes my breath away. I realized it's good to know what you're looking for when searching for a prom dress. At least have an idea of what you like. Stuff like, do I want a long dress or a short dress. Should it have sleeves, or straps. one straight colour or a mixture. Bright colours or dark. extravagant or simple. that really helped me to limit it a bit. I still have a long list though, I won't lie. I'm really excited though. I can't believe I'm graduating in a couple months. It just feels kinda surreal, if you know what I mean. Ball night is gonna be the bomb! I have to enjoy myself. Can't let anything stop me from enjoying that one night!

Anyways, back to dress selection. So then there are the other factors to consider. Cost, Appropriateness, Practicality. Is it gonna be so formal/extravagant that I have no other occasion I can where it? No! That would be a waste of money, don't you think? I don't go out that much so mine has to be suitable for something else. Anyways, that's all I have to say about that topic for now. Have fun dress shopping ladies! And have fun suit shopping young men! And please remember the FUN!
- Jules :)


  1. I know right. I think the dress is definitely one of the biggest pros about ball. I actually have a prom magazine. Want a borrows?
